What Are Your Limiting Beliefs Around money?

Everything we do in life comes down to experiencing or avoiding a feeling. When we believe in something, our thoughts and feelings are created based around that belief. The first step to setting a positive financial mindset is to have supportive beliefs around the topic of money. 

Our financial behaviours and actions determine our financial results. 

This is a simple, basic equation for life and can be applied to any aspect of your life, especially in situations where you aren’t getting your desired results.  It will be because of your thoughts.

Our actions can really reinforce our beliefs and as human beings, we love to be right, don’t we? For example, if your belief is that you are not good with money then you’re already losing the battle without even trying. 

Let’s throw in a very simple and common analogy - when we’re born, can we walk straight away? Of course not! We must take smaller steps first, fall, learn from that fall and get back up to try again. We have all had to learn the skills that we have today in order to succeed - money is no different.

If our mindset is ‘we’re not good with money’ then we’re automatically setting ourselves up for failure. Since our mind is thinking negatively about money, we avoid taking any further financial steps simply because we feel that we can’t. Our confidence is already broken and we’ll never try to do anything about changing that belief in the future. 

Here are 7 limiting money beliefs that I hear constantly:

  • Rich people are selfish
  • You have to work hard to get wealthy
  • Someone else will take care of me (parents, current partner, future husband)
  • Money is there to be spent
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • I’ll never get ahead financially
  • I’m just not good with money 
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees

Do any of these limiting money beliefs resonate with you? If they do, these beliefs are most likely holding you back from experiencing the life and financial situation you desire.  Some of the things we tell ourselves are just ridiculous. 

As a Money coach, my job is to uncover and identify a client’s limiting money beliefs.  We explore how they came to be (it’s always based on something they experienced during childhood and often completely outside their conscious awareness) and then discuss whether this belief is actually a helpful one to live with. Is the belief resourceful or is it sabotaging their financial goals?

I then use a proven step-by-step process to shift these beliefs and implement practical strategies so women can  make positive changes both internally and externally.  The combination of mindset and action are a powerful formula for making positive changes in our finances.

Having money allows you to show up and be who you really are.  If you’re not stressed, have clarity and confidence  about your finances and have the financial resources to do whatever it is you want to do, it allows you to focus on what’s really important to you. 

Examining and reprogramming your financial thoughts and beliefs can truly open up a wide array of opportunities to you that you never thought possible. 


Karen Eley is a financial coach with more than 20 years’ experience as a financial adviser. Through her business, Women Talking Finance, she helps women to be confident and knowledgeable about all things finance. Karen translates complex financial concepts into simple digestible ideas.

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