Ready for the financial confidence to get clarity and control over your finances?

Book a free chat

Get unstuck. It’s time to move from financial avoidance to action. 

Are you ready to:
  • make your money work as hard as you do?
  • create ease and automation around your finances?
  • make, grow and manage your money to live in financial freedom?
  • learn money concepts you weren't taught by your parents or school?

You’re in the right place. And you’re not alone. 

With a financial fitness coach by your side, get ready to move from overspending to saving. Stress to confidence. Clueless to clarity and control. Anxious to empowered.

As a former Financial Adviser for women, now Certified Money Coach, my experience and passion is to help professional women create financially security and freedom. It's time to explore your money story so you can ditch the overwhelm, shame, and guilt that has held you back from getting clarity, courage and control over your finances.

Certified Money Coach, Karen Eley pictured with client holding a light box stating Women Talking Finance.

Looking for a taste or ready to devour the full experience?
Choose from my financial coaching menu

Not sure what’s right for you? Let’s chat.

I get that making a commitment to change your money story and open yourself up to conversations around finances can come with some trepidation.  You want to know the person you’re speaking with has your best interests at heart before you commit. I get it. It’s a pretty normal thought to have. That’s why I keep space in my diary every week to chat with women ready to make a change. 

Book a free 15 minute no-obligation chat to see if financial coaching with me is right for you.

Book a free chat

I’m on a mission to empower PROFESSIONAL women to be financially secure. Let’s make one of those women you.

I work with professional women, just like you, who are ready to take control of their financial future and change their money story.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You’ve ignored your finances or put them in the too-hard basket.
  • Numbers, maths, budgeting and spreadsheets have you breaking out in a sweat.
  • You've got little understanding of basic financial concepts (hey, we’re not taught this stuff at school, why should you know)
  • You earn good money but don’t know where it all goes.
  • Unsure how much super you need for your retirement (those cocktails aren't going to pay for themselves) 
  • You have a fear or running out of or losing money - despite earning a high income.
  • Something is holding you back from the wealth you desire and deserve.

If you resonate with any (or all, no shame ladies) of this, you’re in the right place. Just like two sides of a dollar coin, there’s two sides to managing your money.

My work offers a unique mix of several healing and neuroscience modalities together with practical financial planning concepts. Mastering your money mindset through psychology and therapy-informed process you'll have internal breakthroughs. I take a holistic approach in developing your financial know-how and teaching you effective financial strategies. Starting with identifying your money story and internal challenges (which are probably in your blind spot), moving problem areas into view, then working together on the external practical solutions to provide simple yet highly effective strategies to transform your financial life.

The result? Complete. Financial. Freedom. On your terms.

Like what you hear? We should totally hang out.

Let’s work together

Juicy morsels of great money stuff in your inbox. Yes please!

Get your head buried in our email newsletter for financially empowered women (that’s you, now lady!).By signing up you’ll improve your financial knowledge (and wealth) and get all the tips you need to make, manage and grow your money.And don’t worry about us filling your inbox all the time. We know you’re a busy woman, with lots on the go. So we’ll only send you stuff that will help you make good money decisions.

You’ll also receive a free copy of my E-Book Invested: The Simple Steps to Investing as my gift to you.

Women Talking Finance e-book extract pictured on laptop and ipad screens.

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HEY there,
I'm Karen.

Certified Money Coach, Karen Eley pictured sitting on a lounge working on an Apple macbook.

Money Coach. Former Financial Adviser. Morning Person. Reformed shoe addict. Mum of boys.

So why should you entrust opening up your heart and mind to me? I’m glad you asked. I’m a money coach and mentor who’s been where you are. 

I grew up poor. Mum did her best but we went without a lot, we didn’t even have a car. As a girl, I watched Mum stress each fortnight pay day, managing a tight budget while raising three kids on her own with no financial support from our Dad.

In a way I’m super grateful for being raised by a strong, resilient single mum. It helped me better face becoming one myself. Leaving my marriage with two young boys, $10 in my purse and no access to my bank accounts.  

I learned early in life, a man was not a financial plan and I needed to take care of myself.

Now I share what I’ve learned through lived experience, and through my 20+ year career in the finance industry (including 16 of those years as a qualified financial adviser), to empower other women, just like you.

I’ll help you understand the basics of money management and help you develop and maintain healthy financial habits.

more about me

Pssst...want to know the secret to wealth?

Let me share it with you.

When you want to make your money work as hard as you do, the best way to do this is as simple as using a Cashflow Calculator.If you’ve got no idea where your money goes every month, but know there’s not much left at the end of it, then this calculator is perfect for you.

You’ll get visibility of your cashflow (income and spending), which is the key to managing money well. Because without a spending and saving plan, you’ll never know how much money you have, how much money you need, or where it’s going. If you desire financial security and financial freedom, you won’t get there if your spending habits are in your blind spot. The best return you’ll earn on your income will be investing time finding out where it goes.

Just pop in your details below, and your FREE Cashflow Calculator will be winging its way to your inbox.

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Events and Workshops

Join us for our next webinar, workshop and in-person event! 

Be sure to follow along on our socials because we post all the deets
on Facebook and Insta.

Talk topics include:

  • How to Think, Feel & Be Better With Money
  • Money Management 101
  • Women & Wealth
  • Intro To Share Investing
  • Financial Wellbeing
  • Couples & Money
  • Raising Financially Resilient Kids

Looking for a speaker at your next event? I’m a renowned keynote speaker and can speak on ANY financial topic…without the boring bits! (I’m happy to speak for as long as you’ll let me bang on for).

discover events

Who doesn’t love a freebie?

While we can’t wave a fairy wand over your finances (soz!), we can arm you with knowledge and tools to get you on your way. Plus, by being part of my community, you won’t be alone in the journey either.

Check out my blog for some financial tips and freebies!

Take me to the free stuff

Latest Blogs

Thinking about an Investment Property?

4 tips to help minimise your risks when investing in residential property.

Read more

Love your money and it will love you back

Are you giving your finances the love and attention they deserve?

Read more

Money, a Medium of Exchange

Are you giving your finances the love and attention they deserve?

Read more


Money Session

Book an hour coaching session where we can address
where you are now and where you want to go

3 Month Coaching

Transform your Money Mindset and behaviours through our Money Transformation package of fortnightly coaching, education and accountability

Online Program

This program guides you through
7 Modules over 90 days to completely overhaul and improve your financial results

Women who come and work with us:

  • Have ignored their finances or dropped them in the too-hard basket
  • Are afraid of numbers, maths and money
  • Have little understanding of basic financial concepts (hey, we’re not taught this stuff at school)
  • Don’t know where their money goes
  • Unsure of how much super they need in their retirement
  • Have a fear of running out of, or losing money
  • Suffer guilt and shame around their finances.

If you can resonate with any of this, you’re in the right place.

We take a holistic approach developing your financial know-how. We start with identifying the internal challenges (which are probably in your blindspot), move the problem areas into view, then work together on the external practical solutions by providing simple yet highly effective strategies so you can transform your financial life.

The result? Complete. Financial. Freedom. On your terms.

Like what you hear? then we should totally hang out together

let's work together

WHAT IS MONEY coaching?

I work with women, just like you, who are ready to take control of their financial future and make a positive change in their lives.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You’ve ignored your finances or put them in the too-hard basket.
  • Numbers, maths, budgeting and spreadsheets have you breaking out in a sweat.
  • You've got little understanding of basic financial concepts (hey, we’re not taught this stuff at school, it’s not your fault)
  • You don’t seem to know where your money goes
  • You’re unsure how much super you need for your retirement (We’re sure you’re the rockin’ nanna who wants a life) 
  • You have a fear or running out of, or losing money
  • Guilt and shame around your finances often holds you back

If you resonate with any (or all, no shame ladies) of this, you’re in the right place.Just like two sides of a dollar coin, there’s two sides to managing your money. Mastering your mind, then implementing effective financial strategies. I take a holistic approach in developing your financial know-how. Starting with identifying your internal challenges (which are probably in your blindspot), moving problem areas into view, then working together on the external practical solutions to provide simple yet highly effective strategies to transform your financial life.The result? Complete. Financial. Freedom. On your terms.Like what you hear? We should totally hang out.

Let’s work together


Talk topics include:

  • Your Money Mindset
  • Wealth Creation – Increasing Your Net Worth
  • Retirement Planning Isn’t Just for Your Mum
  • Intro To Share Investing

Karen is a renowned keynote speaker and can speak on ANY financial topic (for as long as you’ll let her bang on for).

Join us for our next webinar, workshop and in-person event! - we post them on Facebook & Insta

Join us now


While we can’t wave a fairy wand over your finances (sorry), we can arm you with knowledge and tools to get you on your way. Plus, by being part of our community, you won’t be alone in the journey either.

Check out our blog for some financial tips and freebies on us!



I'm Karen Eley

I was raised by my single Mum and became one myself – leaving my marriage with two young boys, $10 in my purse and no access to my bank accounts.  

We grew up poor, Mum did her best but we went without a lot, we didn’t even have a car. As a girl, I watched Mum stress each fortnight payday, managing a tight budget raising three kids on her own with no financial support from our Dad.

I learned early in life, a man was not a financial plan and I better take care of myself.